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School Name

Willow Tree Primary School

“Inspiring Learners for Life”


Curriculum Pathways

Our curriculum is delivered through four pathways: Developing, Semi-Formal, Formal and Integration.  Each pathway outlines pupil needs, provision, scaffolds, how learning intentions are selected and the assessment methods we use.  Planning and implementation of our curriculum is supported by external professionals (SaLT, OT) and through the consistent use of programs, visuals and language to ensure continuity across the entire ARP. 

Pathways are progressive; however, we personalize programming to meet each child’s need.  Very often, pupils work across pathways as they consolidate skills in one and extend their abilities in another.

Curriculum Topics

Our topics are planned in a two-year cycle, through three curriculum pathways (Developing, Semi-Formal, Formal).  This allows pupils to build their vocabulary base, review key information and extend their knowledge and skills.  Topics link with previously taught themes, support the development of life skills and provide real-life experiences to embed their learning in order to generalize their knowledge in a wider range of areas.

Pupils working within the fourth curriculum pathway (Integration) will be pre-taught vocabulary to support their communication and understanding in a mainstream lesson.  ARP staff maintain ongoing communication with the mainstream class teacher, monitor progress and suggest or provide scaffolds if required.

Learning Journeys

Learning within the ARP is not solely focused on academic progression as our pupils continue to develop their learning behaviours and interaction skills. Significant time is dedicated to target their communication, social and sensory needs every day. The learning journeys outline the stages pupils pass through as they progress towards independence in these key areas.
