Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Chair of Governors - Mr Matthew Bunker -
Vice Chair of Governors - Ms Miriam Rice
Role | Name | Member of sub-committee | Term of Office expires | Declaration of Interests |
Chair of Governor Co-Opted Governor/Health and Safety Governor | Mr Matthew Bunker | Resources - Chair Curriculum | 10th June 2027 | None Declared |
Vice Chair of Governor Co-Opted Governor | Ms Miriam Rice | Curriculum | 23rd March 2026 | None Declared |
Parent Governor | Ms Muslima Ibrahimkhel | Resources Curriculum | 03rd November 2025 | None Declared |
Co-Opted Governor | Ms Ayanno Nelson | Resources | 11th November 2026 | None Declared |
Co-Opted Governor | Ms Yvonne Heaney | Resources | 8th July 2024 | None Declared |
Co-Opted Governor/Inclusion Governor | Ms Jasmine Kooner | Curriculum | 23rd March 2026 | None Declared |
Co-Opted Governor/Safeguarding Governor | Ms Valerie Upton |
| 24th November 2026 | None Declared |
LEA Governor | Ms Miriam Rice | Curriculum | 23rd March 2026 | None Declared |
Staff Governor | Mr M Tyrrell |
| None Declared |
Head Teacher Governor | Ms Marion Conway | Resources Curriculum | N/A | None Declared |
Clerk to Governors
Ms Tracey Begley