Get in touch

School Name

Willow Tree Primary School

“Inspiring Learners for Life”


Welcome to Willow Tree Primary School


We are very pleased to welcome you to Willow Tree Primary School. We hope that this will be the first step on the road to a long and happy partnership with the school.


Willow Tree is a place of learning for all. We put success within the reach of all children and help them to achieve their full potential. Our school works to develop confident, reflective, creative learners who will grow into valued members of the community and make a positive contribution to twenty first century society.


Within this community we provide a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum encouraging each child to become an expert learner. We endeavour to give each child not only the opportunity to develop their intellectual and physical skills, but also their personal and spiritual qualities enabling them to become caring, capable members of society.


We believe that a close home/school partnership is an essential factor in the education of children and consequently we place great importance on the dialogue between families and school.


We look forward to welcoming you and your family into our school community. Our children are the best advertisement for our school. Please come and see us as we learn and play.



